My little schooler

Friday is upon us thus marking the end of the first full time week in reception class for my little lion cub.  He has got used to the notion that he goes for the full week but is still surprised and joyful when he gets to wear his ‘normal’ clothes and not go to school; needing reassurance through questioning if he get the WHOLE day off school, “yes love, you even get TWO WHOLE DAYS off.”  I am also joyous as I feel the school get the best bits of him during the week and I get the hungry, tired, non-listening, emotional bit at the end of the day.  

The school routine provides so much for them to remember before they even get started on learning; where to put scooters, drinks bottles, bags, coats, lunch packs, P.E. Kit and that is just within the first five minutes of them walking into the classroom! I know they become used to the routine but it feels like a huge expectation on a four year old.  Thus I am very forgiving and responsive when he comes out of school at the end of the day, gives me a huge hug and says “can we go home now” which is normally followed by sitting on the sofa in a zombie like state for 30 min watching Peter Rabbit and Octonauts.

Having school aged children seems to make your weekend feel all the more precious (this proves difficult when my husband works at least 2 weekends a month) however I am purposefully holding off doing very busy & highly sociable activities in awareness that this is probably the last thing his brain and body needs.  Playing with your own toys in your bedroom without any schedule and pending routine is what is more definitely needed in these early days of schooling even if this is not what you want to be doing as their parent.

Snuggles and time spent just ‘being’ are high on my ‘agenda’ for their WHOLE TWO DAYS OFF….before us parents have to start the dreaded Sunday evening uniform ironing, shoe cleaning and pack lunch making rigmarole…again and again and again.


The post school zombie state (completely unaware of my presence!)