Potty training

‘Potty Training,’ if those two words do not instantly fill your head will a range of emotions normally nearing towards dread and doom then you should instantly inform the parents of the potty training world your fabulous secrets!!

Third time round and last time (for the time being)…I have vested interest in this. I have sieged those few days that looked remotely like spring/summer type weather and replaced the pull ups with undies.  The less layers of clothing that need changing and changing and washing and washing, the easier on my brain and washing machine!  We have endured nearly a week of working out the sensation of weeing and the dislike for it disrupting his playtime.  The potty has quietly followed him in his tracks so it is ever so conveniently there when needed. Clearly all is not so slick, with other children’s needs and dare I say it our own needs there have been many accidents and as a parent that does not banish all nappies once potty training commences in fear of confusing the child, my child is oh so aware and prefers not to wee in his pull up now but sometimes just sometimes situation means that for sanity sake a back up nappy layer is required.  

Less than two weeks in and the accidents are minimal (ignoring the one in the lift of a museum when I was not on duty!!!) and after a day or so of thinking this is not going to happen, my son’s body is getting used to the feeling and sensation of toileting needs.

For the reduction in soiled clothes I am thankful, as the rain has reappeared.  My best bit of potty training my children has to be the cheers and excitement that we all express when my son does a wee or poo independently in the correct place.  It is so silly and extreme but praise and positive reinforcement does the trick no matter what the skill of mastery is.  And the more children in the family the more ‘woops!’


My Potty Training Top Tips:

1. Start potty training when YOU think your child is ready.  Awareness of bodily functions is a helpful indicator.

2. Potty Training takes as long as YOUR child needs it to.

3. Summer months are helpful times of year for reduced layers of clothing for washing and undressing.

4. To minimise stress I would put a nappy on when needed, banishing them may speed up the end result but also increase stress…your call!

5. No fancy pants needed…just lots of them.

6. More than one potty for upstairs and downstairs to minimise the running round the house trying to locate it moments.

7. Stickers for ‘pretty much’ being on target or successes can be helpful, especially if you point them out to friends and family you visit and talk positively about how well your child is doing (while they are in your presence!)

8. Celebrate with ‘yays’ and ‘clever boy/girl, well dones’ when your child uses the toilet or potty. Encourage them to go and tell someone else in the house (even if they already know) and repeat praise. It is great to hear older siblings singing their praises too.

9. Don’t brag to your friends with similar aged children that your child is potty trained as it is likely that someone will feel pressure to join the fun (even if they make out they are not bothered by this)

10. People can give you as many manuals, books, ideas, guides, products and top tips but it is YOUR child, YOUR family and YOUR set of circumstances that will find YOUR best way of potty training.



Distraction with stories or singing helps to keep them on the potty for the needed duration!! (Demonstrated in the Gents of the pub we visited today when a man walked over to our table and commended my husband on his singing to our son!!!)