“Is it not feminine enough?”

“Is it not feminine enough?”

This statement was said to me by a friend when I bumped into him in the newly refurbished gym that we both use.  The statement has sat at the forefront of my mind this week as I pondered what a feminine gym would look like? Or indeed if the gym is ‘masculine ‘ enough!  Now this statement came from a trusted friend who I would never even suggest is sexist in any way, which is maybe why it held greater meaning and weight!

The gym indeed as many weight machines, plenty of cardio machines, including a stairmaster that replicates walking up stairs that I am yet to see anyone last more than 5min on….I do have an internal need to yell “Just walk up the stairs in real life instead of using the lift or escalator” (It feels rather like a scene of future laziness as depicted in the film Wall-E)…. continuing, there are lots of free weights in kilograms far greater than my own bodyweight and many other pieces of gym kit, however it is not about the gym being FEMININE, it is about being inclusive!

I am a mummy to three children and a runner, I run most days and use the gym to supplement my overall fitness and core strength.  I do not go to classes  (out of my own choosing), I am confident to lift weights and I am happy to be in the company of a male muscle pumped environment, I have been using gyms since the age of 16, just under 20 years..gah.  However my point is that females have different bodies and functional needs to males.  It is not about a masculine or feminine environment, it is about inclusivity.

After carrying and giving birth three times my core muscles; once a well toned six pack have been moved and stretched considerably three times for an extended period of time and each time I have worked hard and consistently most days to rebuild these muscles, males don’t have the same need to concentrate their fitness regime on functional core muscles, therefore in an inclusive environment they would give this aspect of fitness the same value and worth as those wishing to develop large upper body muscles, for instance.

An inclusive environment would include free weight from 1kg up to…… in the free weights area instead of starting at 10kg! Is the message that this area is only for those that can lift this weight? As subliminal or overt as it may be! Only the hardy few repetivively revisit the neighbouring area to collect the weights under 10kg they wish to use to return with them to their bench in the ‘free weight’ area.

Those designing the layout of the gym would not think of putting the heavier weights in a differing location to the benches and mirrors! However this would be an interesting social experiment to gauge the reaction of those effected!

As I hope for a gym to feel inclusive to all those wishing to use the facilities I also dislike with the same passion those social environments constructed with ‘females’ in mind….it does not feel a coincidence that the lighter weights, hip abduction/adduction machines and vibroplate machines sit in the same room…twee but sickly!

So “Is it not feminine enough?”  sticks in my throat for I am happy around stacked muscle obsessed individuals. I don’t need things to be pink, frilly and glittery!

I like muscles, I don’t want hips and boobs and a J Lo bum….but I do want an inclusive environment!

So “Is is masculine enough?” because not all men fit the same mould!

That is a whole different discussion!