Good Enough?

As I was unpacking the supermarket shopping, and stared at my ‘essential’ potatoes, I reflected on something my mother in law reminds me of when I get in a reflective pickle regarding a parenting decision or situation we (me & my children) had become consumed within, She says…

“You just have to be ‘good enough'”

I feel as though we make what feels like thousands of parenting decisions, conversations, actions and reactions each day, some more conscious than others and some will be definitely more effective, have greater impact and are more decisive than others.  But the bottom line is that it is “good enough”.

So back to those potatoes!

Because parenting can be like the differing supermarket product ranges….sometimes my parenting is essential or basic, the bottom line stuff, the ‘no frills’, basic form and sometimes it enters into the Speciality, No. 1, Taste the Difference, luxury end of the range, this is when I am full of the goodness of life, my resources are recharged and I have capacity to give this level of me and my parenting, to my children. This varied range is all from the same shop or parent!

I believe my children need to experience the whole product range, because I too am a human but I endeavor to at least be ‘good enough’ at my parenting.  In light of a recent occasion, it was okay that one year Halloween looked like a paper bunting, left over from last year, put up at the window a few days before and another year Halloween may look like hosting a party for friends….

Guess which my children got this year….





Baby Manuals… Why Love Matters!!!

This is by no way a dig at any Nanny guru, super granny, baby whispering, military sleep guide style baby manual; I have also been a mummy who has bought into these types of books in search of guidance, help or some form of sanity for those early and very new parenting days… however this is a recommendation that was given to me by enough friends and via the many professionals to form a book club there and then!!

http://www.whylovematters.com by Sue Gerhardt



I thoroughly recommend this book, snatch a few pages of reading while feeding or snuggling your child instead of updating social media…I assure you this will hold far greater more meaningful results for you as a person and parent/carer and your baby/child/children.  I did at times feel raw, emotional and inadequate at times while reading but the positives that you can understand and implement far outweigh any negative emotion.  This is not superficial stuff; but creating new life, love, families and emotions never suggest they are!!!